Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Deidre Combs, Worst Enemy, Best Teacher, selections from "Engage"

We must start with a clean and honest heart to Engage, as a code of conduct, The Shield.

Phil Heron states, "The code of a warrior is necessary because without it the opponents are playing different games. Modern warfare is made horrifying by the absence of a code. There is no honor, only death." It is true, every culture have their shield, Code of Conduct. Its too bad to see those hundreds and thousands years old Code of Conduct must fade away for just a new trends, which there are non Code of Conduct. In the name of Modernization, Free Market and Globalization.

We should encourage the next generation and the left over generations (us) to learn and dig back the values.

Conflict in the world is absolutely almost in every corner of the world, whenever and whereever it is.

From Adam and Eve until the last mankind living in the world. Thats why we should brave ourself and prepare for it, if it's in need we are ready. It is important that we must endorse peace and common sense, respect to others and we must find solution if we still want to share this tiny world together.

For that we need to start a dialogue, mutual learn the culture and history of each. Finding common ground and lower ego. Which the ground rules of using dialogue:

- Everyone has ample time and quiet to speak.

- Listening & Learning are prioritized over convincing others of our position

-Participants to ask questions to explore other people's perspectives.

-Very diverse viewpoints can come together in a nonconfrontational way.

Based on this ground rules, we should never despair to start a dialogue and start the peace in the world.

Like Napoleon Bonaparte often said, "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."


Kouzes Exercise Chapter 2


1. I have several times appointed by my superior and organization colleagues as a leaderof several office activities comittee or as te president of the organization itself, such as student body and  student activities comittee. The very best is when I had to lead my office colleagues to set up a national scale ceremony in our remote mining area site. The ceremony was ground breaking ceremony which symbolize the start of our new Ferronickel Plant Construction. It was on
 November 30th, 2011 in Buli, East Halmahera Regency, North Moluccas Province, Indonesia. We invite Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Province Governor, Regional ruling Sultans, and many guests from the Capital and came from outside from the location. We had plenty of challanges for transportation and accomodation issues, the date that always change by the Minister office, the remote area and the preparation time that given for us that was too short, starting in the middle of September.
2. a. Trust my committe member by giving task that they could do.
b. Always encourage the team.
c. Plan it well with all of the team member.
d. Check the work time by time.
e. Always prepare it before, mitigate the risk and have a back up plan.
3. a. Always trust in your self and your team.
b. Always prepare that everything could happen, in good way or bad way.
c. Don't just point finger, as a leader we should pull the string together with our team.
1. My First Superior in Office.
2. a. Encourage
b. Confidence
c. Dicipline
d. Appreciate time, target and team work
3. a. Manage conflicts
b. Respect others
c. Affection
d. Exemplify
e. Never complained but only gave coaching & counselling.
1. a. My High School Principal, because he teaches us to become adult and to take risk as adult by showing respect and examples.
b. My Organization Senior, Ex President, because he was very humble, hear and compromise to others.
c. My Ex CEO, because he was dicipline, very humble and willing to take the risk.
2. a. Respect
b. Exemplify
c. Dicipline
d. Humble & Hear his members/peoples
e. Willing to take the risk