Jumat, 30 November 2012

Bhutto - You Can't Murder a Legacy

Benazir Bhutto (21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007) was a politician and stateswoman who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan in two non-consecutive terms from November 1988 until October 1990, and 1993 until her final dismissal on November 1996. She was the eldest daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a former prime minister of Pakistan and the founder of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), which she led.1

Educated at Harvard and Oxford, and with an eye on a foreign service career, Benazir’s life changed forever when her father, Pakistan’s first democratically elected president, chose Benazir to carry his political mantle over the family’s eldest son. In the late 70’s, when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was overthrown and executed by his handpicked Army Chief, Benazir swore to avenge her father and restore democracy — or to die trying.2

After nine years of self-exile, she returned to Pakistan on 18 October 2007, after having reached an understanding with President Pervez Musharraf, by which she was granted amnesty and all corruption charges were withdrawn. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a bombing on 27 December 2007, after leaving PPP's last rally in the city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled 2008 general election in which she was a leading opposition candidate. The following year, she was named one of seven winners of the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights. 1

Benazir Bhutto was the first woman Prime Minister in Pakistan. As one of the largest and diverse Muslim countries in the world, being a woman Prime Minister should have many of challenges. Breaking the traditions of men in the government and parliamentary. She had fought since the fall of his father’s regime. The coup president intimidated her family since the beginning. She even was sent to jail for several time. The last was 6 month imprisoned her under solitary confinement in a desert cell .

That was a risk of a struggle. In another way, to achieve a goal, we need to pay a price. We must prepare as a leader the plan and the risk. After that, we decide it wisely. She was the Iron Lady of Pakistan. She leave a lots of legacies to the world.

(1) Wikipedia, "Benazir Bhutto" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benazir_Bhutto
(2) Bhutto the Film,  http://www.bhuttofilm.com/synopsis.html

Kouzes Chapter 8

I. The Legacy That I Will Leave


The things that I hope to hear

1. Do the job right

2. Make the right decision.

3. Inspire them.

4. Had engage with the team well

5. Great leader.


Inputs that will need to pay attention

1. More precisely in planning

2. Execute on time.

3. Delegate and empowering.

4. Pick the right team

5. People needs


II. Interview about my leadership

1.      I like when I was in charge when I have the opportunity to make and shape my team. I did not like because sometimes everyone was counting to the leader so much.

2.      Succeed the task together.

3.      Contributing and encouraging the team to contributing too.

4.      Synergize the team and made them work together.

5.      By building an understanding between them and make the team to fill in on each other flaw

6.      When the challenge and the risk is high

7.      I usually hear from the both side and try to make them settle each other.

8.      Manage shortage of workers by subsidize from subcontractor.

9.      Reconcile two conflict villages when land acquisition for the last project.

10.  Stop a near miss horizontal conflict between those two villages.

11.  When time is scarce and the target has not appeared to be finished.

12.  Courage, Determine, Honest, Sincere.



  III. My Leadership Editorial


Be a Unique Leader.

Everyone was born as a leader. Everyone is unique and have different views. When leading everyone have a different characteristic. Try to be a unique leader when your leading. Be yourself.

Kouzes Chapter 7

I. My Most Meaningful Recognition Experience

When I finished the gold mine plant project and witnessed the inauguration of the gold plant. It is quite a relief and overwhelmed. It is a very challenging project and many of problems must be solve in a very short time. It is even one of the on time projects that been delivered in the company history. One of the challenges is the contempt by other division and their question on if we could finish it on time, on quality and on budget.  


II. Tell a Great Story

1.      Worker and Director

2.      It happens in the project construction time. The Director was site visit to look the progress of the project.

3.      The action is that the worker is focus on his work, repairing a machine panel by drawing his own manual. He needs to redraw the manual, because the original manual is nowhere to found. When the Director arrives, he saw what the worker did.

4.      The director was very overwhelmed of the worker passion and determine.

5.      The worker did not know that the one who is asking him was the director.


III. Build Social Supports and Celebrate Team Accomplishments

Project Milestone                                            Idea for celebrating this accomplishment as a team

Monthly                                                          Fishing and fish barbeque at the beach

Tri semester                                                     Site seeing to other town, near the project site

Kamis, 29 November 2012

Kouzes Chapter 6

I. Generate Power

I remember when after graduating high school and start to selecting colleges and my uncle give me a words of wisdom, “Don’t be a Buddha statue! Your life in the future is depending how you socialize in your college. You will meet them again in the future, giving assistance and even getting assistance from them. Be active and engage to others.”


I felt powerless, week and insignificant when my own superior said that I could not finish the project on time and on budget. Someone that I respect and hope give very negative words to me in the middle of the project.


The team was clicked when working in the challenging atmosphere and limited time. Differences are set a side and we are backing up on each other all the time and all the way.


I can contribute to the teamwork with bring some great creative ideas and to implemented in such effectives ways.


II. Learn to Delegate

They do not delegates because they don’t believe that others can deliver the work as good and fast as they do it by themselves.


I should delegate if the job is needed too, and if there are many of resources and time to do it.


Enabling others to be successful

1.      Coaching and counseling

2.      Engage with the team

3.      Trust and respect them


III. Ask Questions, Listen and Take Advice

1. What is your passion about the new assignment?

2. What is your idea about the new assignment?

3. What is your experience of it?

4. How we should do it as a team?

5. Do you trust your own team?


To build an understanding among team members.  

Kouzes Chapter 5

I. Check for Limiting Assumptions

1. I cannot do this because there are no supports from my family and friends. (+)

2. I cannot do this without a perfect timing or time become scarce. (+)

3. I cannot do this without a great teamwork. (+)

4. I cannot do it well without determination.  (V)

5. I cannot do it without well without a good planning and strategy. (-)

6. I cannot do it well without passion. (V)

7. I cannot do it well without presenting myself well. (V)


II. Look Outside

1.      Make a trip the whole province of my country.

2.      Join social causes group.

3.      Get a master degree.


III. Get Started in Small Ways

1.      I am going to start to do small project in my house like garden, cars or even remodeling the houses or room.

2.      I am going to re-organize my belongings and give it away if I do not need it anymore.

3.      I am going to start tightening my lifestyle so I can spent it for other cause, especially for social causes.

Kouzes Chapter 4

I. My Past as Prologue to My Future

1. When experiencing that many of my friends are starting to pass away.

2. When experiencing near miss of death in several occasion.

3. When interacting with the needs people in several community activity

4. When experiencing various difficulties in youth lives


The pattern between the experiences was difficulties or misery.


It creates meaning that I want to do more, achieves more, and become more meaningful to my life and others.



II. Imagine the Possibilities

Overseas Development Project is Antam’s Project for middle managers to gain enrichment in overseas campus and mining company.


Personal Goals is to succeed and get as many as experiences from the project and to encourage others to compete and chosen by the company to join the next batch of Overseas Development Project.


The Project for this batch will ends on August next year. I want that other will say that the project result is excellent and it should extend. It is align with the vision that I want to do more, achieves more and the result of the project is align with become more meaningful to my life and others.


III. Give Live to Your Vision

What are people doing?

They are doing what they could do and what they passion too


What are people saying?

They are saying that they are excellent and better


How are people feeling?

They are feeling overwhelm with the result of the project


My Project is like become the President Director


Metaphor                                                         How It’s Like This Project

Numbero Uno                                                 It’s a determining project and needs lots of dedication

Striving for the Best

Need a multitalented teamwork to support               

Linda Hill - Where Will We Find Tomorrow's Leaders?

Where Will We Find Tomorrow's Leaders?
Shortage of leaders
New market and emerging market that need local talent

What leadership looks like in the future?
New Attribute Leadership - Leading from behind.
Nelson Mandela origin, am I leading or creating context; coaching and architect to make others willing and able to lead.

Now to be leader
You do not need to be the center

Leaders need collective genius
Unleashing and harnessing
Everyone contributing
Something to offer, is it unleash?
Value Based Leadership
Context that everyone could contribute
No single leader could be a collective genius

You need diversity, conflict and agility
Building teams, co-leadership
