Selasa, 25 September 2012

Dan Goleman, "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership," 2008

"What Makes a Leader?"

People in the business community started talking about the vital role that empathy and self knowledge play in effective leadership.

Social neuroscience - the study of what happens in the brain while people interact.

The notion that effective leadership is about having powerful social circuits in the brain has prompted us to extend our concept of emotional intelligence.

Followers mirror their leaders - Literally, based from an Italian neuroscientist research found the first evidence that the brain is peppered with neurons that mimic, or mirror, what another being does.
Mirror neurons have particular importance in organizations, because leaders emotion and action prompt followers to mirror those feelings and deeds.

So, if leaders hope to get the best out of their people, they should continue to be demanding but in ways that foster a positive mood in their teams.

The "Finely Attuned" Leader

Spindle cells produce Intuition
Oscillators coordinate people physically by regulating how and when their bodies move together.
Trust your gut, but get lots of input as you make decisions.
Attunement is literally physical.

Firing Up Your Social Neurons

The only way to develop your social circuitry effectively is to undertake the hard work of changing your behavior.

How to  Become Socially Smarter

Leaders can change if, they are ready to put in the effort.

Hard Metrics of Social Intelligence

Social Intelligence turns out to be especially important in crisis situations.

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