Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Become Mindful of Your Biases

One category of Dostoyevsky's sequestered things is our biases, our secret beliefs of how we feel about other groups of people. Fear is the primary cause of this secrecy that prevent us from admitting bias is that of having to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we may not be quite as nice as we, and others, like to think we are, until we overcome our dread of looking like bad people, or at least like less good people, we will be unable and unwilling to acknowledge our biases, name them, and target them for extinction.

Being guilty of bias does not make any of us bad people. Bias, as we have seen, is a way of coping with a complex, stressful, and ever-changing world. Yes, these personal fictions are bad because they block our ability to see others accurately, but most of the people who hold them are multifaceted human beings complete with virtues and sins and ecerything in between. What would make a blessed person bad, or at least unwise, is the refusal to identiry the bias and accept responsibility for getting it under control.

Providing the tools to identify your own biases. You will be glad to hear that becoming aware of most biases id a straighforward process, no shrink, no psychotherapist. it is a matter of practicing the art of  observation and evaluation:
observe, analyze, and measure the emotional content of your thoughts, and aboserve your attitude towards human differences.

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