Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Dave Meldahl, Vision-based Leadership

1. Leader whose leadership compass seemed to swing this way and that depending on the pressures of the moment (or what side of the bed they got out of)
No pleasent impact to the organizations
2. Leader whose decisions and behavior are grounded in a clear vision and set of values.
The impact is significant.
With a clear vision and values, the culture develops intentionally and with purpose.
Individuals whose behavior, personal goals, and values align with the culture are attracted to your organization and stay.
Those individuals whose values, goals, and behavior do not align leave the organization.
Marcus Buckingham states in First, Break All the Rules, it is critical " to get the right people on the bus." Sometimes that also means getting the wrong people off the bus.
Abraham Lincoln had a vision of maintaining a united country.
JFK had A vision to put a man on the moon
Ronald Reagan valued less government and pursued a vision that ultimately contributed to the end of Cold War.
Steve Jobs & Bill Gates each had visions for what technology could do to enhance our productivity and keep us entertained. Their respective companies certainly have unique values and resulting cultures that shape their place in the marketplace

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