Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Kouzes Exercise Chapter 3

I. Discovering My Values

Team experiences
1. Meeting with other new people
2. Have more knowledge and experience from new people
3. Get to know how to work in a team
4. Get to know that everyone is different and how to compile and synergy them into a team.
5. Have more ideas after discussing with others in team
Characterized the experience
1. Respect
2. Involvement
3. Empathy
4. Cooperation
5. Discipline
6. Trust
7. Strength
Values and actions that are important
1. Respect each other in the team.
2. Try to involve and have empathy to each other.
3. Trust to others in the team
4. Discipline in team time not to waste other private time.
5. Cooperation could strengthen the team and the individual.

II. What Values Matter To Me?
1. Cooperation
2. Courage
3. Determination
4. Discipline
5. Empathy
6. Fairness
7. Family
8. Respect
Five that are important and why?
Value                                       This is important to me because;
1. Courage                               Without courage, we cant do anything, because we don't have the courage.
2. Respect                                To do anything that we will be meet others, we must have respect.
3. Empathy                               We need to empathy to people when we are leading them 
4. Discipline                              People need discipline to lead each other
5. Determination                       We need to be determine in our causes and goals.

III. Putting My Values Into Practice
I have founded a national student organization chapter with my friends on my campus. I have make a system that make the organization became large and multiplied in the future. After graduate and left campus and organization, few years later it is become the biggest organization in the campus. One of the main idea is put the solid foundation and let the others continue build and enrich the organization.


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