Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Peter Senge Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, "Drawing Forth Personal Vision"

Step 1
Creating a result
My result is to be on the peak of my achievement. If I am an employee, the peak as an employee is to sit on the peak of the line of the organization. Become a leader as not I have an eager to be one, but become a meaningful leader to others with less of collateral damage. At the end, an accountable leader is much more than just to be a sit on the peak of an organization.

Step 2
Reflecting on the first vision component
Sometimes there are some of doubt in the process on achieving my goals, but try to keep inspire all the time, energizing by myself or by sharing with others.

Step 3
That focus on target, with the support of the team, energize them by keep involving them and empathy to all of the team.
Nothing in particularly, just want to be just enough when I need it.
I want to have an house for my retirement, such as a house in the country with big lawn yards.
Hope that I will not get sick or need to be hospitalized, especially in my elderly stage of life.
I want to have more quality and quantity relationship with my family.
More fairness and professional work environment.
Personal pursuits:
Graduate school to accomplish my masters degree
Build the Community become stronger.
Create an own company or business, create a social cause organization
Life purpose:
Meaningful and inspiring to others, create others become meaningful and inspiring.

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